Bombshell CEO

More self care is not the answer to burnout

Holly Doll

Self care is nice as it gives relief in the moment but is a distraction that sends a dangerous message…

Episode 013: More self care is not the answer to burnout

In this episode, you are going to learn what it really takes to heal and recover from burnout for good:

  • A recap of the last 2 episodes on the root cause of burnout and completing stress cycles
  • Why as a woman you are more prone to burnout 
  • Why vacations, therapy, medication, and self care alone will not fix your burnout
  • The 4 pillars that must be addressed with a focus on physical, mental, and emotional wellness for recovery and healing from burnout
  • The 5 phases of burnout with a battery analogy and symptoms so that you can identify where you are currently at on the path of burnout
  • Why nutrition, mindset, lifestyle, and supplements are all a must in a recovery plan when healing from burnout 
  • A 7 day break the burnout challenge you can start now with 3 simple steps to help you calm your nervous system, decrease emotional, and physical inflammation and restore hormone balance

Happy Juice:

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